This past weekend I attended a Boot Camp in the Santa Cruz Mountains. A couple of hundred men from all over the state of California registered to find answers for their questions. Men were looking for healing, direction, identity, wisdom, and purpose.

Throughout the weekend we talked about masculinity, the father wound, identity and becoming warriors for God. Lots of great teaching and information in need of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. That was my job and the teams this weekend. To listen, discern and act on what we heard to bring the healing presence of Jesus Christ into the places of pain and brokenness within each wounded man. And oh how he showed up to touch many of the men’s pain and brokenness.

As the men humbly chose to “come to the Cross” the Holy Spirit initiated, directed and empowered the entire process. As the men surrendered their shame, pain, brokenness, sin and fears we saw His infilling, and empowering flow in and through them.

Life experiences have left many of us with deep wounds that have compromised our well-being. Left unattended, these wounds give life to false beliefs about our identity, emotional dysfunction, and behaviors that rob us of the promised life that Jesus offers to us. Bringing these issues into the Light of Christ breaks the power and hold that these things have had over our lives.

This weekend I saw lives changed as the ministry of the Holy Spirit graced us with his presence to heal. Through this “holy exchange” I saw men become not so much warriors but “lovers of God.” Our healing, deliverance, and transformation comes as we avail ourselves of the Holy Spirit’s ministry.